
All posts tagged counting

Future Story Writers Found!

Published March 22, 2015 by rps1md

This week 1MD continued their learning around stories by writing up the class version of Jack and the Beanstalk- Rude Rosie and the Sunflower.

Children used a story map to help form their sentences and all have written some fantastic stories. Next they will be writing their own versions of the story and learning more about descriptive writing.

In maths we have been reviewing our knowledge of money and counting. We have been great mathematicians because we have used our number bond knowledge to help us solve mathematical challenges.

Also children worked in teams to paint their model castles. Next step is to sponge on bricks, add grass or a moat and final details such as windows, drawbridges and flags.

Finally in PE we finished our movement pieces and performed for each other. I will be uploading videos of them to the blog very soon so keep checking back.

Tomorrow morning I will not be in class. If you need to get in contact with me urgently please email me or leave a message at the school office.

Enjoy the rest of the weekend sunshine!
Miss Dampier

End of the week round up!

Published September 21, 2014 by rps1md

It has been another busy week in year 1 with children settling into class routines really well.

All of our literacy work, this week, has focused on learning a new story off by heart. The children learnt the story of ‘The Little Red Hen’ using actions and a story map. Masks of the four main characters (hen, cat, pig and rat) were made, plasticine models of each animal were created and children Hot seated characters to find out why they behaved a certain way in the story. Pupils were asked to write character descriptions, draw their own story maps and write from the perspective of the little red hen. The work produced has been fantastic! On Friday children got a chance to see the story as a written text and started to help me build a story writing toolkit, featuring story openers, connectives and golden sentences all which will support our work next week.






During our maths learning this week we have been thinking about counting numbers to 20 using a number line. The children were also introduced to bead strings to support them in their learning. We talked about how the colour of the beads help us count in 5’s, making it quicker to create numbers such as 6 (5+1).


Pupils were also introduced to a member of our class: Freddy the Maths Frog!

He loves learning maths and challenging children to stretch their brains. He will be making many appearances this year along with some of his friends!

On that note- he has noticed a problem with his number line- can you spot any mistakes? Leave a comment with you suggestions!
