parent notice

All posts tagged parent notice

Class Theatre Trip- tomorrow

Published November 18, 2014 by rps1md

Thank to all parents who offered to support the trip tomorrow. All names were put into a hat and 3 names were drawn.

Please make sure your child is in school on time tomorrow as we will be leaving to catch a bus at approximately 9:20am.

Also please make sure your child is wearing a school jumper and coat and has their lunch with them unless you have ordered a school lunch.

Thank you for your help with this.

Miss Dampier

It is time for an Autumn hunt!

Published September 22, 2014 by rps1md

Calling all parents and pupils.

Please be on the look out for Autumn related things on your walk to school, over the next couple of days.

Some children have already collected conkers but I am also looking for pine cones, leaves and anything that makes us think about the season. Tomorrow children will be asked to start exploring the treasures they have collected, in lots of different ways so please start bringing things in as soon as possible.

Also tomorrow all children will need their full PE kits as they have a lesson with Mr Cranston.

Miss Dampier


