Weekly Round Up!

Published October 12, 2014 by rps1md

So another week is over and with only two more left before half term it is clear that the year is going very fast!

We started our week with an Autumn walk through Brockwell Park to the local launderette. This was part of our learning around the seasons and the new book we have looked at this week call Knuffle Bunny. The story features a little girl called Trixie who helps her dad do their washing at the local launderette but misplaces her beloved toy bunny in the process. She tries to tell her parents the problem but unfortunately she has not learnt to speak!

This week we have been trying to give her back her voice and write speech bubbles to share what she might be saying at different points in the story. The children have also been learning about prepositions to help them explain their route to our local launderette and have drawn maps to share some of the things they that they saw on the route.











At the end of the week we had a class full of soft toys join us to help us with our description writing. We will be doing more work with our toys in the coming weeks to help us learn about old and new toys and writing our very own lost toy stories. I have asked children to bring in their soft toys again on Monday.


In maths this week we have been looking at measuring and symmetry. Children have been practising their measuring skills using a variety of objects finally leading to measuring the hall with metre sticks.





I want to end the round up by sharing some of the fantastic learning that has been going on at home. Over the last couple of weeks the children of 1MD have caught the learning bug and have been writing stories, building number patterns, adding money and developing their handwriting. I have been totally impressed by the effort that has been shown at home and school – with some children finishing their first writing books.

In response to this appetite for learning, after the half term, I will be posting a mid week challenge and a challenge as part of my weekly round up. I would also like to encourage children to bring in any learning they do at home so they can share it with the class and have it displayed in the room.



As part of our learning about the past I would like children to research old toys. What did their parents play with? What about their grandparents? I would like children to find a picture of an old toy and the year it was made or most popular. If children can bring in an example of an old toy that would also be great!

See you all tomorrow. Don’t forget your soft toys!

Miss Dampier

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